Friday, June 11, 2010

Armored Core : Weathered Paint Effect on Legs [Mirage AC01-GAEA]

Welcome again to my blog, folks~

This is my 2nd post, and it is a continuation from this post. I will be showcasing the weathered effects on the legs, LH09-Cougar2. These legs belonged to Mirage AC01-GAEA, an Armored Core Mecha.Here's a reference picture of the unpainted mecha, very plastic-looking... not my taste.

So now, let's check out the military-style scheme. Much better, isn't? At least I think so. Bleh! Click on image for larger size.

Similar to the head paint, 4 colors were used here, Flat Black, Black Green, Flat Aluminum and Copper. All colors except the Flat Black (served as base coat), were dry-brushed onto the legs.

See the scratch marks over all the foot? Simply dry-brush the black surface with the flat aluminum and you can achieve this very easily. And dry-brushing is NOT as hard as some make it out to be.

The calf design on most Armored Core mecha are to die for~ And the model assembly for the legs are, probably the most complex of all the mecha models I have built. Some parts are less than 1mm in size and I even did dry-brushing on them individually. *sweat*

Here's a wedding proposal high-kneeling pose.

"Will you... let me have my body, no??"

All Armored Core mechas got big feet, and the soles are highly detailed. I didn't add any mud/dirt effect because I was lazy to do it.

Looks confusing, eh? The shot was taken from the left heel up. The details are all hidden under the pants' leg hole, but you wouldn't see it unless you peel down the foot.

Up next, the infamous Saturday Night Fever pose~

ACs are highly posable but they can't do cross-leg. Pity.

Okay~ you are looking at the knee caps now. I added more copper here, or else it would look a bit dull. And check out the detail on the leg-to-hip axle in the picture below. I always think that it's the little hidden surprises which make the model shines.

The all-time favorite crotch view, camel toe? Just kidding, lol! The exhaust vents were all painted copper since most heat sinks and fans are made of copper. I didn't just paint blindly. *smug grin*

Moving to the top, there is an air vent on each hip. The vents were blackened with smoke.

I tilted the camera angle a little bit down, to capture the connecting axle to the core (body). If you look close enough, there is a rim of scrapped surface effect around the axle. And that's the highlight for this portion. But all will be covered up when the core is joined up with this legs portion.

And that's all for this post. I hope you like it and have a nice day ahead.